
Docker Development init for Neos and Flow

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How-to work with the neos-development-distribution

  1. Fork the neos-development-collection on Github
  2. Create your Project-Folder, I call it "neos.dev"
  3. Clone your Fork to "neos.dev/www/Neos/Packages/Neos"
  4. Download the development composer.json to "neos.dev/www/Neos/composer.json"
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neos/neos-development-distribution/master/composer.json
  5. Add your forked repository to composer.json (replace VENDOR with your username)
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/VENDOR/neos-development-collection"
  6. Install ./dino.sh to your Project-Folder
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sbruggmann/dino.sh/master/dino.sh; chmod +x dino.sh;
  7. Kickstart your Project
    ./dino.sh                                     # this takes some time..
  8. Provide some needed files on host
    ./dino.sh link www/Neos/Packages/Neos         # and select "h" to keep the hosts data
    ./dino.sh copy www/Neos/Packages/Application  # and select "v" to keep the vm's data
    ./dino.sh copy www/Neos/Packages/Framework    # and select "v" again
    ./dino.sh copy www/Neos/Packages/Libraries    # and once again, select "v"
  9. Create a Branch, add some great changes, test it well and submit a Pull-Request :)